Tuesday, February 26, 2013

4 Signs You Have A Pórn Addiction

While there are a lot of things much worse to find yourself addicted to than pórn, pórn addiction is real. Most guys would probably readily admit an addiction to pórn—jokingly, of course. But apparently, pórn can become a vice similar to alcohol or drug use.
Wow. Who would've thought that a few thousand X-rated movies stored on your hard drive would be an indicator of a pórn addiction?

That stack of dirty magazines dating from the mid-1980s may be an indicator as well. All joking aside, here are four signs you have a legitimate pórn addiction.

Pórn hoarding. Apparently that mountain of dirty magazines is a sign of a pórn addiction. There is no real reason to have pórn magazines in 2011. You can have all the pórn you want if you have a laptop and an Internet connection. Hoarding can still occur in the virtual world, however. If you find yourself spending hours upon hours using search engines to download and store porn on your laptop, you may have a problem. Hoarding can also show itself in the form of subscription after subscription to pórn for pay sites.

Pórn, pórn everywhere. If you can't get away from pórn, even just for a little while, you have a pórn addiction. If you have pórn on your laptop, pórn on your smartphone and you still have the need to carry around magazines in your briefcase, seek help. Another sign is when pórn begins to take up more and more of your day. Ask yourself this: What's your relationship with pórn. If you spend time, only on the weekends, watching pórn, you're probably OK. If, however, you've seen the time spent on pórn increase over a period of time, you're addicted.

Getting in the way. If you find yourself replacing your normal activities with porn, you have a problem. You used to hang out with friends, but now you're hanging with your laptop. Pórn addiction is like any other addiction. You replace aspects of your previous life with this addiction and, gradually, there's nothing but the addiction left. Coming to work late because of pórn, not being able to even start your day without pórn or sneaking to watch pórn on your smartphone in the bathroom are all signs of an addiction.

Really serious. If, by chance, you lose something serious like a job or a relationship over pórn and you continue to seek that pórn for refuge, you're definitely addicted. Any other addict will do the same thing with their addiction. The very thing that has destroyed their lives is the very thing they continue to run back to. Replace your pórn addiction with heroin, crack, alcohol and you'll see very similar results. Hopefully your addiction to pórn never gets this severe. Ask yourself right now: As you read this, do you have two or three other windows open for pórn viewing? Maybe you should cut back.

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