Friday, December 21, 2012

Analysing the African Lady

51. When the time comes to break up with a girl, do it yourself, and do it in person. Let her down NICELY, and always explain why. NEVER ever get someone to do it for you. You may think it’s the way to go, for less tears and just making it easier for her, but trust me, it isn’t..

52. It’s hard for a girl to admit she likes you. So when she does, don’t act grossed out.

53. If you like a girl, TELL her. And don’t be afraid too. In most cases, girls are extremely understanding, and would really like to know who likes her and who doesn’t. It might even turn out she likes you back.

54. Always stick up for a girl, especially if it’s a guy picking on her. It shows a lot in a guy.

55. Don’t mess around with her hearts.

56. If you like her, you like her. If you don’t, then you don’t. Make up your mind, and don’t take ten years doing it.

57. When a girl does something, that obviously made her feel stupid, or embarrassed, don’t make her feel even more stupid or embarrassed. Comfort her, and tell her its okay.

58. Kissing her on the cheek randomly is really cute.

59. Girls get jealous. Very easy, though she might not show it.

60. Ladies think guys are just strong but are will to support him even financially.

61. when an African lady says she is ugly, or fat or whatever, she isn’t waiting for you to agree - She is waiting for you to say, "NO you’re not fat, at all your perfect" or" NO you’re not ugly, your beautiful, don’t ever change."

62. When she likes you, you are all she ever thinks about.

63. Make the first move. Sometimes, the girl is too shy to.

64. If you JUST met a girl, and you’re saying gross sexual things to her, and she says something like, “go die” or “stop talking to me” leave her alone, she means that.

65. If she hangs up on you, call back. If she continue, then you give a break!

66. Act like a real boyfriend should in front of your friends. It DOES impress her.

67. When she crys, hug her. If she pulls away, hold her tighter.

68. Girls love it when guys act shy. (not speaking for all girls)

69. When she says we loves you, 100% of the time, she mean it with all of her heart, and want you to mean it to.

70. When you're girlfriend is sick or sad, stay on the phone with her if you can't visit.

71. If a guy is bothering her, it is your right to look into her eyes to know if she's for you. Never, fight becos of a lady you've not married!

72. Don't stress where you go for every date. She really only want to be with you.

Culled from my Unpublished book Oyebade Obalola Jerry

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