Sunday, December 2, 2012

It Felt Good At Every Point In Time Part III

it felt good at every point in time and amidst my tears I felt good till I saw a head throbbing out of the blinds and a voice saying “oga NEPA don bring light, I wan switch over”….oops

Ok now I’m screwed(literally an d figuratively), why is this happening to me?guess what? His head was still in the blinds staring hard?then my dad quickly wore his trousers and dashed to meet him outside before he could make a run for it and spill the news and met him halfway before th gate and brought him back into the house calmly and I sat there naked and confused as my dad proposed and proffered solutions and surprisingly the stupid no good son-of-a bitch asked stupidly for my dad never to sack him(unless he leaves willingly),increase his allowances and surprisingly my dad should impregnate his daughter and he should have sex with me also….what?!!!
My dad choked him in the neck and swore he’d kill him right there and the stupid fool said “who’s gonna open the gate for madam if she return for five o clock?” it was already 4:24pm, logically if my dad killed him now, how fast can he dispose of the body? And seriously who will open the gate? What explanation will be given to my mum for his failure to open the gate? He has been with us even before I was born and only travels few times in a year to go impregnate his wife and my dad did agreed on his terms except for his sleeping with me and then he just decided and said “DO IT!”…what?!!!
Then my dad asked me to cooperate(few hours ago I was a virgin, curse you Eunice for lending me that porn) before my mum gets back,not like I had a choice, I slowly closed my open legs at the sight of his enormous penis, now I’m scared yet I still don’t have a choice. He drove so deep I could feel my intestine giving way and on staring at the “kondo” I notice he had just gotten halfway inside me and then a rush of pleasure and pain shot straight from my spine straight to my brain…I had just climaxed and the pain did not make me wish for more.then as he slipped off the condom he was using, my mum’s horn went blarring and we all scurried off to make things look right and I noticed I could barely walk…a sharp pain throbbed my inner thighs so my dad had to bring my clothes to me
My mum walked in with my siblings and the lawyer and also invited the gateman in…then my heart skipped, had he spilled the news?what could be happening? She(my mum) sent my siblings upstairs and said we all needed to talk and the gateman had to be there…now I knew we were busted…”he made me do it”…I said, and my mum cut me short before I could even start confessing and said “don’t care what you and ur dad have been up to,this is far more important”…for the first half of her sentence, I almost fainted and I couldn’t wait for what was more important than my father having sex with me then she said
“I know you all are wondering why I brought Mr. Olumitan our lawyer to our house, I wanted to clarify some things, first I’m filing for a divorce largely because I feel neglected and also because I have been having affairs with people!!!”
Just when you think that was too hard to swallow and I was having the worst day of my life, then she continued
“secondly, this man is not your father…he’s more like a foster dad to you funmi”
All of a sudden I felt happy, at least it wasn’t my dad that just had sex with me then he can pay for his crimes and then she concluded
“the so called gateman is actually your father and also ur brother and ur sister belongs to someone else…your so called father seem to be impotent after I took some of his sperm to test it after subjecting myself to therapy and expensive fertility test which the bastard dint even pay for and blah blah blah blah”
The rest sounded like blahs in my ear….before I blacked out
Need I tell you that my life never remained the same,I am a stripper at la caliente even though I have money and guys running crazy for and around me, I don’t think I want another penis ever again, I have a girlfriend I love and a story worth telling the world…and did I tell you I had both my dad(I find it hard to call him something else) and the gateman(my useless real dad) killed and asked their penis be put in a jar of formalin for me….anytime I need to calm my self down I just stare hard at it…..and the sight of revenge can be soothing…all I had to add when returning the jar back to the safe is “I hate you daddy!!!”  SOURCE

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