Monday, November 25, 2013

A must read for some lazy Naija guys in Europe..

You have told yourself the home truth that you need a wife and you have started looking for a woman to marry, wonderful move, I admit. He who finds a wife finds a good thing and as long as the found wife is a wife for real, you shall obtain favour from God and people. We have experienced this and you can experience it too. But I have a problem with you. For years now, you have been looking for a wife and you have not found any, not that there are no women, there are women, good women that are ready for you. Your problem is that you are looking for a millionaire to marry, a woman who has loads of her own money. The main thing you want to know about any woman is how deep her pocket is. You love her and you know she will be a good wife. But because she is not a loaded moneybag, you start playing games and the next thing is that you go CSA- (Continue Searching for Another) You may think you are smart and intelligent. The truth is that you are the very definition of a low-life. Any 'man' who is looking for a woman that will fend for him is not a man. He is a gold digger. Sorrows and frustrations are the double barrel stones he would continue to dig out. Because he is a fool, he may see gold but cannot access the gold. This imbecile may ultimately murder the woman to have access to the gold which is his original interest. The Law arrives in time and the psycho will spend the remaining days of his avarice life in jail. What a disgrace to his family! Rise up as a man and take charge of your life today. It is madness to continue searching for a woman to feed you. Men feed women, they do it for it is their job and they derive pleasure doing it. You may find a wife who is richer than you, praise God but still be the man and provide for her. She would love you more when you show her you are a man. Are you there? Wake up. One Love.

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