Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Why one-night stands aren't worth it for women

One night stands are known for causing regret and heartache - and new research has raised the question of whether women should bother with them at all.
A study has found that casual sex is more satisfying for men than women - and that women are twice as likely to orgasm when having sex as part of a committed relationship.
Dr Kim Wallen, an expert in female desire at Emory University, told The New York Times: ‘The notion of sexual liberation, where men and women both had equal access to casual sex, assumed a comparable likelihood of that sex being pleasurable. But that part of the playing field isn't level.’
A study shows women are twice as likely to orgasm when having sex as part of a committed relationship as when having casual sex
A study shows women are twice as likely to orgasm when having sex as part of a committed relationship as when having casual sex
Researchers at Indiana University and Binghamton University interviewed 600 college students about their sex lives.
The team, led by Dr Justin Garcia, found the female students were more likely to orgasm when in a serious relationship than when having causal sex.
Dr Garcia told the newspaper: ‘We’ve been sold this bill of goods that we’re in an era where people can be sexually free and participate equally in the hook-up culture. The fact is that not everyone’s having a good time.’

Previous research by New York University revealed only 40 per cent of women orgasm during causal sex, compared to 80 per cent of men.
The researchers studied 24,000 students at 21 colleges over a five year period and also discovered about 75 per cent of women orgasm during sex in a committed relationship.
Dr Paula England, from New York University told The New York Times: ‘We attribute that to practice with a partner, which yields better success at orgasm, and we also think the guys care more in a relationship.’
Only 40 per cent of women orgasm during causal sex, compared to 80 per cent of men. About 75 per cent of women orgasm when having sex with a committed partner
Only 40 per cent of women orgasm during causal sex, compared to 80 per cent of men. About 75 per cent of women orgasm when having sex with a committed partner
Dr England found many men admit to being less interested in satisfying women they are having casual sex with than those they are in a relationship with.
She believes women are less likely to orgasm during casual sex as they feel unable to express what they want.
Debra Herbenick, a scientist at Indiana University, explained that for a woman casual sex can be similar to having dinner at a friend’s house.
She said in that situation a woman would not state what she wants to eat and how it should be cooked and that their sentiments are similar during casual sex.


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