Sunday, November 10, 2013

Blame Game

Blame Game

This is a game many know how to play well and have even won awards year after year for. They blame everyone for their current situation and won’t stop at any opportunity to let anyone know who’s has caused their misfortune and less-fortune. Constantly blaming their father, mother, siblings, aunties and uncles releases them from facing the real issues causing the problems at hand. Sadly, many an innocent grandmother in a village somewhere has been blamed for financial misfortunes in a family when the real cause could be financial mismanagement  and poor saving habits. Blaming others for one’s misfortunes is an irresponsible habit which many Christians should repent of. 

I am not saying Christians shouldn't fast and pray. I fast and pray. Fasting and prayer strengthens every Christian spiritually for spiritual warfare but being a spiritual warrior doesn’t mean bread will materialise from the air unto your dinner table. Prosperity involves a lot of hard work, sowing of seeds and having a positive attitude towards life. Remember how Isaac listened to God in Genesis 26:12-13 in the midst of a severe famine? Had Isaac been a lazy complacent dude who put up his feet and waited on God to do his thing, I doubt he would have prospered as he did. The man sowed and reaped a hundredfold in one year, God saw the handwork and blessed him. Isaac prospered and prospered until he became very prosperous! Thats hard work right there! Plant the seeds of hard work and it will yield a hundredfold of harvest, plant the seeds of laziness and harvest a truckload of poverty. 

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